
Friday, October 2, 2020

The 400-Year-Old Swedish Dessert That Will Make You Dizzy #Tasty Food


The 400-Year-Old Swedish Dessert That Will Make You Dizzy #Tasty Food

it's really warm here over this oven

thing and I'm quite hungover SWAT

welcome to the scorner region as one of

Northern Europe's richest farming

districts score night Sweden's chief

food producer my day started in awe stop

to try one of scorn as oldest and most

unusual desserts spit caca dating back

to the 1600s petcul cases sweet meringue

like cake the name translates to skewer

cake due to how it's made I was meeting

Baker in ela at a bakery to find out

more hello


in Loch

oh hey Levi Nina see a bleep

four ingredients in IE and path caca the

patottie smells of cake so swiss famine

again lama zopa then author a tortoise

universe and so they don't say mix it

all together put them in these and go

time we heard up spec alcohol as a they

must come upon her home road at further

for callous pet coca yeah

then I am a you see that ekta scones

spec copia dear for you dad developer

Somerset some company mostly out from


so mostest better call my front corner

yeah the long process 406 yeah as a

matter what that people consider a

semiotic devatas to retaliatory lela

lela camellia make her go Poonam than a

toy I ever eat a photo yeah small one

six eight or ten hours big one six eight

ten hours till example or so they're

just getting cap area don't scatter yeah

meadow going to Blairsville musket-ball

Allah Allah Allah Allah your coma don't


do you think this Bob - esto so sleep

well she wants me working here Nick oh

but this was so quick

yeah so don't shine suit there's fellow

like a pillar stay the hotter yester

swore yeah so I go make a flaw style

yeah marathon a stable harder is very

hard to engli yeah so good we're done


this place is totally weird totally


it's all about sugar and weird stuff I'm

allergic to you so you can't come up


humongous petcocks bar get some do

instead Sandman target area first you

see Carrie will tell ya yentas vista tes

petcocks baccarat here a garden yeah a

messiah so unique hey you're one of a


oh okay

part of him thanks Miguel hey hello hi

so god this thing is basically like

cognac champagne cognac spread Kaka all

the same


there's a bit like

cardboard dipped in sugar

oh I got this thing my next stop was

malmö Sweden third largest city once

associated with unemployment and social

unrest mama has reinvented itself as a

diverse creative and young city in the

last 20 years I headed to a district

just four kilometers from Alma and the

childhood home of footballer Slaton

Ibrahimovic rusyn gawd this area has

been given a pretty bad reputation in

the media over the past 30 years or so

basically it's been painted a crime

ridden ghetto because of its large

immigrant population but immigration

brought a wider variety of food to the

area and one of the biggest of these is

falafel I met up with local chef Sidhu

whose grandfather brought falafel and

street food to mama

saddle nice to meet ya everyone is

waiting know if you go to mama you have

to have the falafel and now it's a big

thing but that back then it wasn't right

so so how did this come to be the recipe

he got from from old men back in their

beirut introduced him to the falafel how

to make the real father

therese a real falafel what's what's

that basically just from mushy peas and

onion and parsley and then we are like a

little bit of all the spices but that's

the main that's a secret recipe I was

not yeah that's your grandfather's one

right that's my grandfather's secret


everyone thought that it was great that

you want to sell food in there yeah have

a food then yeah because there wasn't

that wasn't the thing but no no the

whole mama was basically doing a falafel

pilgrimage here in the beginning wasn't

it yeah of course it was a little bit

crazy too that you can eat a whole meal

for day crowns all the bikers were

standing here on the lines in there one

have a falafel so we have so it was a

lot of people your whole family like had

their their own place like falafel place

right how many did you have we got that

big that was bigger than McDonald's here

we had many place more fluff number one

place to make them

McDonald had a moment you can get the

best falafel in the world it's better

than Lebanon I can promise you gotta

have some falafel


hello will you even hey Sanna Kelly nice

all the others Rama do um we think same

how can the log your and Andrew laminate

up so that it can the area yeah yeah are

they Yeti left ankle it's gonna be fixin

it first

Tommy's a falafel bowler let's go

Jessica brown let me have a theorem that

it may be too small first of Ivette luck

citavi little chilly I like hot sauce I

got some more they got also an order to

Malta tomatoes also need the dirt onions

also need epithelia not are three uneven

the dr. Angela also six million tea

means effect meets awesome totally t6 ax

pero la vie and so on also and so on

area also bleh they heart take weaken

mmm okay

we tell us what's the secret behind the

falafel number one success here it's

Lebanese food you more you smell is

better yeah what are the spices you ever

tell us the secret secret ingredients to

this yeah we will see the end of the day

maybe I need to be able to take it home

yeah now just gonna copy this this whole

thing yeah good I'll name it falafel

number two

goose has become somewhat of a symbol

for scorner the region's open landscape

is natural habitat for geese and they

even have a special place in the

calendar on November 10 sweden

celebrates Morten gorse central to the

celebrations is the most authentic

scorner meals the goose dinner most

people celebrate Morten gorse at home

but we've come to mark and just a lot

here and learned to prepare a proper

goose feast YUM

I'm meeting head chef Marcus to help

prepare a goose for cooking all right so

I'm really glad actually that we didn't

have to pluck them yeah me too you could

fry it whole but since we're serving

about 200 people yeah

we break it down because the slice and

breasts have different cook time so

that's going to be the stock for the

black soup and the under sauce and the

deliver we make a patio with a with

cognac and know your shows much nicer

than my ya know yours is much nicer

actually is that the heart yeah you have

one to the gizzards we're gonna cook in

goose fat for about four hours so it

becomes tender because it's tough on

some horse okay it's a muscle so it

takes time to break down yeah yeah tell

me a little bit about this tradition

Morten gloss they say this was a French

guy called Saint Martin when they were

going to elect new bishops he didn't

want to become one so he hid in the

geese nests and the geese didn't like

him there so they made a lot of noise

and they blew his cover why would you

celebrate some animal that gave away his

hiding place though that's kind of weird

yeah yeah yeah

so if you put your knife here up and you

can follow the wishbone down

okay so we cut up the goose we've see

some written stuff it's in the oven now

we're doing the black soup I've never

had black soup it's got blood in it yeah

it's just strange II split you just make

something better in there yes some

butter and then just pouring the blood

oh yeah yes there's no longer egoriy

down there let's Donna on out smooth and

nice what's in the broth here except for

gin ginger cloves allspice marjoram

onions and carrots once again thicker

now huh yeah so that's good now we're

going to leave it here for about ten

minutes and then we're gonna strain it

and it's ready to serve Goo's prepared

it was time to eat with my old friend

Frederick happy Morten you all haven't

one ago zero okay talk

I actually thought we were just going to

get the suit yeah that I made in the

kitchen but there's loads of other stuff

in there there's a potato underneath and

then we have the some prunes on top of

that cheers Cheers

yeah it was really good hold I can cook

that was amazing it's probably the least

bit of tearing thing if you need modern

gauze is just one of many festivals

Swedes celebrate with food this is sort

of a one-off thing Morten goes yep we

have a few of those in sweden Easter the

Easter yeah definitely and we were

saying eggs eggs

you know big bowls of eggs play with the

eggs eat Schiphol of eggs eggs with the

Swedish caviar caviar telescope is

caviar get the gifts my remember my use

my sticky fingers has been in this this

goes yeah nice

some of the best meats I've had in long

midsummer so pickled herring pickled

herrings lot of sauce in different

sauces temperatures like tomato sauce

but I mean herring in irregular sauces

yeah we danced around the pole and we

don't run we have shit piles of snaps a

lot of nice thing about we do crayfish

party in August

boiling crayfish I have to say again

shitloads schnapps sweets if we can find

something to celebrate we don't

celebrate happy for you wanted was your

hat on I have to Gucci fucking is on the

car very Swedish sausage made famous by

a porn movie or a girl masturbates with

one of these things I would say I have

about eight to twelve cups today but we

do drink a lot of coffee

you can't come to Sweden without having

some herring little bit strange in my


welcome to eyford only be inviting us up

in the world

le le le le oh sure oh sure sure bro

worship him yet the scum

yet this cone hello hello

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