
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

iPhone 4S or Galaxy Nexus: Which is better? #unbox-therapy


iPhone 4S or Galaxy Nexus: Which is better? #unbox-therapy this episode soldierknowsbest is brought  you by jack threats hey sup guys  soldierknowsbest here in this video I'm  going to talk about which is better the  iphone 4s or the Samsung Galaxy Nexus  now it's not gonna be like my normal  typical versus videos while do whole  bunch of product shots and things like  that I'm just going to be basically  talking about my opinion about which one  is better than Y which one is better  than the other in that regard first of  all I'm going to say this that the  Samsung Galaxy Nexus is a better phone  than the iphone 4s but the iphone 4s is  a better gadget than the Galaxy Nexus  and what do I mean by a better phone in  a better gadget well obviously this ID  you know we got to look to buy a lect  Rhonda Vice more importantly a portable  like trying to fight us like the do EDS  what is the main reason why you bond is  for gaming right yes it can play videos  you can watch movies and TV shows via  netflix and have social networking all  that stuff built inside of it but the  main reason why you buy a 3ds is for  games the main reason why buy an ipod is  for music yes it can playback videos and  music videos and all that stuff but the  main reason why you bodies for music and  so on and so on but when i look at the  iphone the main reason why people buy  iphones isn't because of the phone  capabilities like it doesn't have 4g it  has definitely the call quality and the  call signal and the call reliability has  been questioned throughout this entire  lifetime after the 3g or so but it's  been questioning a lot so you really  don't buy for is its phone  characteristics and you buy it because  it is i believe the number one gaming  cell phone out there because it does  have the best applications and and the  best games for it or the best games come  out first for it then you look at the  camera 944 ass as a great camera doesn't  people say nokia has better cameras and  their phones but as far as phones that  people actually buy at least here in the  states i never seen somebody who's in  nokia but i was kind of a shot at them  right but anyway um but i saw hers  popular cell phones out there at the  Opera force cameras still stands as far  as I think amongst the top out there for  that and then you look at our multimedia  as far as music playback and in video  rentals and TV show rentals and movies  and things like that you know itunes has  has been around for years you have a  dedicated application for it everything  can stay synced and all that stuff and  so all these things i'm naming about  that 4s really has nothing to do with  the phone and you can get probably  finding the same things in the upcoming  PS Vita you know things like that so but  I think that the main character is what  about why the iphone is great is it's  just because this is a vice that can do  a lot of everything and it does it does  them the best you know as much the best  and maybe one or two behind some other  phones out there but for the most part  it does these things the best and you  look at the Samsung Galaxy Nexus it's a  better phone it has 4g LTE speeds so you  can really have very fast data speeds  and it really hasn't been any issues  I've seen really people complain about  the call quality or a call connection  anything like that as far as  customization as far as a phone that you  want personal to you this is something  going to be using every single day it  has that over the iphone also to  durability is built better it's not  going to break as easy it doesn't have a  glass back which looks great on the  offer for us but it's going to be more  prone to breakage and so when i look

iPhone 4S or Galaxy Nexus: Which is better? #unbox-therapy

this episode soldierknowsbest is brought

you by jack threats hey sup guys

soldierknowsbest here in this video I'm

going to talk about which is better the

iphone 4s or the Samsung Galaxy Nexus

now it's not gonna be like my normal

typical versus videos while do whole

bunch of product shots and things like

that I'm just going to be basically

talking about my opinion about which one

is better than Y which one is better

than the other in that regard first of

all I'm going to say this that the

Samsung Galaxy Nexus is a better phone

than the iphone 4s but the iphone 4s is

a better gadget than the Galaxy Nexus

and what do I mean by a better phone in

a better gadget well obviously this ID

you know we got to look to buy a lect

Rhonda Vice more importantly a portable

like trying to fight us like the do EDS

what is the main reason why you bond is

for gaming right yes it can play videos

you can watch movies and TV shows via

netflix and have social networking all

that stuff built inside of it but the

main reason why you buy a 3ds is for

games the main reason why buy an ipod is

for music yes it can playback videos and

music videos and all that stuff but the

main reason why you bodies for music and

so on and so on but when i look at the

iphone the main reason why people buy

iphones isn't because of the phone

capabilities like it doesn't have 4g it

has definitely the call quality and the

call signal and the call reliability has

been questioned throughout this entire

lifetime after the 3g or so but it's

been questioning a lot so you really

don't buy for is its phone

characteristics and you buy it because

it is i believe the number one gaming

cell phone out there because it does

have the best applications and and the

best games for it or the best games come

out first for it then you look at the

camera 944 ass as a great camera doesn't

people say nokia has better cameras and

their phones but as far as phones that

people actually buy at least here in the

states i never seen somebody who's in

nokia but i was kind of a shot at them

right but anyway um but i saw hers

popular cell phones out there at the

Opera force cameras still stands as far

as I think amongst the top out there for

that and then you look at our multimedia

as far as music playback and in video

rentals and TV show rentals and movies

and things like that you know itunes has

has been around for years you have a

dedicated application for it everything

can stay synced and all that stuff and

so all these things i'm naming about

that 4s really has nothing to do with

the phone and you can get probably

finding the same things in the upcoming

PS Vita you know things like that so but

I think that the main character is what

about why the iphone is great is it's

just because this is a vice that can do

a lot of everything and it does it does

them the best you know as much the best

and maybe one or two behind some other

phones out there but for the most part

it does these things the best and you

look at the Samsung Galaxy Nexus it's a

better phone it has 4g LTE speeds so you

can really have very fast data speeds

and it really hasn't been any issues

I've seen really people complain about

the call quality or a call connection

anything like that as far as

customization as far as a phone that you

want personal to you this is something

going to be using every single day it

has that over the iphone also to

durability is built better it's not

going to break as easy it doesn't have a

glass back which looks great on the

offer for us but it's going to be more

prone to breakage and so when i look at

the phone like the Galaxy Nexus it's an

everyday phone that you can use on the

everyday basis you can apply this to

android cell phones vs iphone if you

wanted to but these phones are just a

very very solid phone you know it does

all the things that the phone is

supposed to be able to do great and does

those things great but it also it does

also have the application that it also

can do you know shoot video and also

does have you know the google

marketplace and all that stuff you can

rent TV shows and all that stuff does

have that as well just doesn't execute

those better than the iphone does and so

again i'm not trying to start any type

of flame war i'm just really looking at

the positive and negatives of both of

these two devices and how I look at it

and when I look at it both in and the

Galaxy Nexus in the iphone 4s they just

do different things better than the

other and that's why i can recommend one

phone for one group of people another

phone for another group of people and

then ultimately boils down to personal

choice you know my personal choice is

the iphone i never shy away from it i'm

never gonna lie to you to say i love

android / iowa's because i want you to

be my my fan or something like that i

tell you the truth and the more reason

why i always say i like the iphone

anybody ever asked me if you watch my

live show i always give the same number

one reason is because of the

applications for it and the applications

are the best the best ones that come out

on any cell phone come out first on the

iphone then they may be poured it over

to android or something like that but

the applications are just absolutely the

best has really good gaming applications

and all that stuff I just that's why I

personally like it

but again that may not be the person or

reason why you want or that may not be

what you want in a cell phone you may

want it for a good call call to get

something like that then you definitely

don't want to go the iphone now they say

it's horrible but it's just not the best

in that category that's what it boils

down to is and which one is the best for

your personal choice and as you notice

I've stayed away from os's because at

this point you should know which OS is

for you like I mean Android and iOS have

been around for years and they may be

say there's neither one of them sucks

it's just one is part better for you and

that's the whole theme of this video we

know kind of which one is better for you

so OS y is again one thing does

something better other one does

something better than that and it goes

back and forth but again the iphone is a

better gadget Samsung Galaxy Nexus is a

better phone I know a lot of people have

a lot to say about this please leave

your comment down below but again before

we had our hair to guys but what what

did I say but before we head out of here

guys go take one let's look at our

sponsor for this video today's sponsor

is jack threats you're gonna get the

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going to get it now start getting some

nice clothes again go to jack course last skb alright guys

this makes it into this video please

leave a comment down below what you

think about these two phones and

everything and i said what is your

opinion or take about my thoughts about

these two phones in this video please

leave your comment down below I'll sue

if you watch me on youtube and you

haven't seen the two review videos for

these our cell phones i'll put those at

the end you can actually click those and

go straight to them if you watch me

anywhere else is go to buy youtube

channel and you'll find the review

videos as well even guys thanks for

watching this video and i will catch you

later peace


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