
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Review: Epson MegaPlex iPhone/iPad Projector #unbox-therapy


Review: Epson MegaPlex iPhone/iPad Projector #unbox-therapy this episode of soldier knows best is  brought to you by audible hey yourself a  soldier knows best here with my review  of the epson megaplex md - 850 HD yes  it's a very long name for her projector  but this projector allows you to plug  almost anything into it including an  iPad an iPhone - it a beautiful check  the content like the photos of the video  you can plug in a gaming machine any way  you can project that onto a big wall  onto a big screen on to wherever you  want to reject it on so first it's going  to start the review with the hardware  then as projector does spit out a 720p  HD image and I'll show you some of that  here in a second else - on the inside  does have 210 watt stereo speakers and  these things do get loud so going to be  watching a movie just using this  projector for audio playback owning what  you can the stereo speakers are really  going to pump out that audience so  everybody be able to hear it in the room  all students have a microphone input so  just in case you're gonna be using this  projector as a traditional way giving a  presentation or something like that you  can plug your microphone inside of it  else - it does work with USB plug and  play and also it does have HDMI and VGA  inputs as well so this thing can  virtually work with everything I plugged  in my xbox my PlayStation 3 units in do  we I'm a TV computer anything basically  you can plug into it and you'd be able  to project that image out on a big wall  or screen or whatever you want to also  does have a carrying handle because this  thing does weigh about 8.5 pounds I mean  it's not extremely heavy at all but  that's coming - carrying him to make  things a little bit easier for you but  then one of the most important things  though about this projector that kind of  separates it from the rest does have a  built-in dock connector for an Apple  device like an iPhone iPod or an iPad so  basically push in on it and it'll pop  out you'll be able to plug in your  device and it will charge your device as  well but then now you can also interact  with that and I'm gonna show you that  here in just a second and also does come  with a remote control which is pretty  nice remote control for the projector it  has a little bit of range to it as well  and the lamp life for the projective  stuff is six thousand hours so the  things should so last a good while and  this projector does come with a 2-year  limited warranty so if anything does go  wrong well not anything because it's  limited but for some things that go  wrong you'll be able to going to get  those fixed with that warranty and  that's going to move on to these  software now once you plug in your  iPhone your iPad to the projector it'll  bring up a screen that shows up and  you'll be able to choose from the photos  the videos or YouTube videos and you can  also still in a  with your Apple devices well why are you  going to be projecting that image on the  screen so say I'm gonna watch a movie  that's on my iPad I can go ahead and  start projecting that movie from it but  still I can go ahead and surf the web or  play a game or something like that I  don't know how you want to do that but  you can still do both of those things  why are you still watching the movie  from the iPad on the projector itself  and again the software is very straight  to the point it's very easy to navigate  not really any anything that's gonna be  spectacular coming out of the software  but it is very fast and efficient  alright now it's gonna see this  projector in action see how it performs  well use the projector in the two  different scenarios which I'm gonna show  you here in this video one was kind of  smacked at in the middle of the day but  I did close out the blondes I turned off  all the lights but it was still some  sunlight coming through but the video  quality and just overall picture quality  was still pretty pretty darn good for  those situations and it was still it's  still playable or still watchable  depending what you're gonna be using a  projector for even though it has so mic  coming into the room now the second time  though I use it in complete darkness and  I was just blown away not by not just by  the sheer size that a projection can get  you I kept my whole wall covered with it  but the quality was pretty on par I'm  after you adjust the focus and adjust  the angles and those controls are at the  top of the projector itself you really  get a very very nice clean image and

epson mg-850hd manual, epson mg-850hd bulb, epson projector, Epson MegaPlex iPhone/iPad Projector, 

Review: Epson MegaPlex iPhone/iPad Projector #unbox-therapy

this episode of soldier knows best is

brought to you by audible hey yourself a

soldier knows best here with my review

of the epson megaplex md - 850 HD yes

it's a very long name for her projector

but this projector allows you to plug

almost anything into it including an

iPad an iPhone - it a beautiful check

the content like the photos of the video

you can plug in a gaming machine any way

you can project that onto a big wall

onto a big screen on to wherever you

want to reject it on so first it's going

to start the review with the hardware

then as projector does spit out a 720p

HD image and I'll show you some of that

here in a second else - on the inside

does have 210 watt stereo speakers and

these things do get loud so going to be

watching a movie just using this

projector for audio playback owning what

you can the stereo speakers are really

going to pump out that audience so

everybody be able to hear it in the room

all students have a microphone input so

just in case you're gonna be using this

projector as a traditional way giving a

presentation or something like that you

can plug your microphone inside of it

else - it does work with USB plug and

play and also it does have HDMI and VGA

inputs as well so this thing can

virtually work with everything I plugged

in my xbox my PlayStation 3 units in do

we I'm a TV computer anything basically

you can plug into it and you'd be able

to project that image out on a big wall

or screen or whatever you want to also

does have a carrying handle because this

thing does weigh about 8.5 pounds I mean

it's not extremely heavy at all but

that's coming - carrying him to make

things a little bit easier for you but

then one of the most important things

though about this projector that kind of

separates it from the rest does have a

built-in dock connector for an Apple

device like an iPhone iPod or an iPad so

basically push in on it and it'll pop

out you'll be able to plug in your

device and it will charge your device as

well but then now you can also interact

with that and I'm gonna show you that

here in just a second and also does come

with a remote control which is pretty

nice remote control for the projector it

has a little bit of range to it as well

and the lamp life for the projective

stuff is six thousand hours so the

things should so last a good while and

this projector does come with a 2-year

limited warranty so if anything does go

wrong well not anything because it's

limited but for some things that go

wrong you'll be able to going to get

those fixed with that warranty and

that's going to move on to these

software now once you plug in your

iPhone your iPad to the projector it'll

bring up a screen that shows up and

you'll be able to choose from the photos

the videos or YouTube videos and you can

also still in a

with your Apple devices well why are you

going to be projecting that image on the

screen so say I'm gonna watch a movie

that's on my iPad I can go ahead and

start projecting that movie from it but

still I can go ahead and surf the web or

play a game or something like that I

don't know how you want to do that but

you can still do both of those things

why are you still watching the movie

from the iPad on the projector itself

and again the software is very straight

to the point it's very easy to navigate

not really any anything that's gonna be

spectacular coming out of the software

but it is very fast and efficient

alright now it's gonna see this

projector in action see how it performs

well use the projector in the two

different scenarios which I'm gonna show

you here in this video one was kind of

smacked at in the middle of the day but

I did close out the blondes I turned off

all the lights but it was still some

sunlight coming through but the video

quality and just overall picture quality

was still pretty pretty darn good for

those situations and it was still it's

still playable or still watchable

depending what you're gonna be using a

projector for even though it has so mic

coming into the room now the second time

though I use it in complete darkness and

I was just blown away not by not just by

the sheer size that a projection can get

you I kept my whole wall covered with it

but the quality was pretty on par I'm

after you adjust the focus and adjust

the angles and those controls are at the

top of the projector itself you really

get a very very nice clean image and

this projector does have the three LCD

technology side of it that basically

means I just gonna get you very

realistic colors and very clean colors

coming out of the projector itself so

obviously the audio pair with the video

quality on this projector is really

top-notch and very exceptional I said

what are my final thoughts about this

projector well I must say that I'm

pretty impressed with it I've been using

it non-stop ever since I got it in the

unit I want to play xbox play

battlefield or or Halo or Batman I just

I plug it right into the projector and

emits a very very big nice crisp image

and plus to pair with the audio quality

of the built-in speakers that come

inside the projector I mean this is a

winning combination you really can't ask

for too much more from a project as far

as the video and the audio quality is

concerned and I was - the design and the

hardware itself is very solid it looks

very nice very sleek plus the built-in

dock connector for your Apple device

your Apple mobile device it's just

another plus as well and they push it a

little bit above all those other

projectors out there I'm just having the

ability to plug in your

pad or your iPhone and just start

watching the movie I'll start playing

back some photos that you took in your

iPhone or start playing back some home

videos that you just took you can play

that right back using this projected as

well and so I really couldn't find any

flaws with this device as well I mean

everything seems to be on point from the

design the hardware audio and video

standpoint or they guys I got probably

see from the device that I will want to

you know full 1080p HD video and the

next version of this projector in this

series now another some people may

consider this a flaw but the price of

this projected itself is 799 dollars

which as far as projectors watch it's

not a bad price for what it is but

depending on again what your budget is

or what you want of course everybody is

not gonna be getting this thing but I do

think if you're really looking for a

really cool experience for movies from

for gaming's or things like that you

have the wall space you have the real

estate I think this projector is a good

buy and also if you don't want to spend

that much they do have another model is

called the mg - 15 that's gonna be

available for $6.99 there but that is

only for 540 P so it's not HD at all but

again that's another option for you guys

anyway guys before we head out here is

gonna take one last look at our sponsor

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again thanks for watching this video

please leave a comment down below but

what you think about this project this

is something that you would pick up that

you want to pick up or you may just put

it on your wish list for Santa Claus

anyway leave a comment down below

playing thanks for watching guys and I

will catch you later
