
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Sleep Advice-How to Sleep Better

 Sleep Advice

Watching What You Eat 

Your diet is going to have an effect on your sleep. Taking large meals or spicy foods before bedtime can disrupt sleep. Avoid late-night snacking and try your best to eat dinner on time. Eating a large meal before bedtime is going to affect your sleep because the body focuses on digestion instead of sleep.

Working Out on Time 

If possible, move your body during the day, and this can be as simple as a walk outside. You should avoid intense physical activities three hours before your bedtime. Evening workouts can lead to overstimulation, which makes it harder for you to fall asleep. This is why it is a good idea to work out in the morning. You are going to feel relaxed in the evening, and also feel energized during the day. Look for an activity you can start with then build on that. It doesn’t have to be complicated; you can choose to bike, dance, or even stretch. Stick with this and you will soon start to see the benefits including better sleep.

Limiting Screen Time 

Light and sleep do not mix well. Smartphones, tablets, TVs, tablets, and other screens are not good for your sleep because they emit blue light. This interferes with the circadian rhythm that is responsible for sleep. Limit the time you spend on these devices an hour or two before bedtime. Use blue light filtering glasses or add a blue light filter to your screen. This is going to help your body produce melatonin at the right time. instead of spending this time on your screen, consider finding something you can do before bedtime. Some good options include taking a warm bath, listening to music, or reading a book.

Make Your Bedroom Dark and Comfortable

Once you are done with your chores like dinner and dishes, you need to dim your lights. This sends a signal to the brain that it is time to sleep, and the body will start to power down. If you have to sleep with lights, then try your best to make the room as dark as possible. Shut doors, cover windows, and use a sleep mask.MAke sure your mattress and bedding is comfortable, a mattress should be updated every 8 years. Read these Dreamcloud mattress reviews if yours is due an upgrade.

A Pre-Sleep Routine 

Apart from going to bed at the same time, you need to have a bedtime ritual. When you keep doing the same thing before bedtime, the body is going to know when it is time to sleep, and you will find yourself feeling sleepy the moment you lay down. This routine is personal to you, so figure out what works for you. A sample routine will include;

Preparing for the next day 

A shower 

Brushing teeth 


Avoid Lying Awake 

If you have been in the bed for more than 20 minutes and not yet asleep, get up and try relaxing in a different place. You should look for a calming activity like listening to music or reading a book. Go back to bed when you start to feel sleepy. This will help your mind associate the bed with sleep instead of a place where you can lie awake.

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